No people think that this supercross bike is Yamaha MX135. Yups,.. it is a transgender version of Yamaha MX from Andhitya Pratama, Tangerang. He has extremely tuned it so that it lost it’s original body. I provide all of the modification datas below. Good job, Andhit …

Data Modifikasi:
Ban Depan : Swallow 70/100/19 X-Cross
Ban Belakang : Swallow 350.17 X-Cross
Sok Depan : Up Side Down Thailand
Sok Belakang : YSS Versi Thailand
Knalpot : Custom
Setang : Yoshimura
Lampu Depan : AHRS
Lampu Belang : Astrea grand
Ody’ Custom : JL.Serangkai 1,Block C25 no 205, Puri Agung,Tangerang
Nama : Adhitya Pratama
Tempat : KutaBumi,Tangerang
Alamat : Jln.Serangka I ,Block C25 No205 Puri Agung Permai,KutaBumi Tangerang
Jenis Motor : Yamaha Jupiter MX
Modifikasi : Motocross
Telp : 021-5921280 / 021-32524503